Health, Healing, & Quantum Physics
We frequently ask for health, love, happiness, and prosperity in our lives. Health is usually at the forefront of our prayers and blessings. And, there is a good reason, not much good will happen in our lives without our health. Our good health is the basis for reaching a meaningful and prolonged life. Cheers to your good health!!
Eating healthy, getting enough sleep, walking outdoors, taking supplements, exercising, meditating, doing yoga, and avoiding stress are a few of the things we usually do to keep healthy. But, sometimes we forget and deny our bodies' signals telling us that we are not getting enough sleep, or that we are not eating healthy or that we need to take some rest from the noise in our heads. When we abandon our basic needs, disease sets in and we become unhealthy. Dis-ease is the state of the body that fails to be at ease within itself.
In order to restore health and become whole again, many times we just look for the easy way out and go about taking pain pills and believe we are cured. But, nothing is further from the truth. Pills that are meant just to alleviate pain do not get to the core of the health issue or ailment. Basically, they are just a temporary remedy and usually hide what really needs to be healed.
True healing occurs at a more profound level, which is usually easily addressed, perceived, and known by energy healers or energy workers through energy medicine. Energy healers channel healing energy into a patient and effect positive results. Healing can occur by touching the patient, or placing the hands some inches from the body or working with a patient at long distances. Some of the energy therapies or modalities that are very known and some been very ancient are Reiki, Healing Touch, Johrei, Acupuncture, Qigong, Therapeutic Touch, etc. Energy healing works by the theory of sympathetic resonance. It is a process that connects human beings and their energetic fields and attune them with one another via their energy fields. To learn more about energy healing you may visit,,
Then, what are energy healers? Think of a person highly sensitive to subtle energies. These are energy fields that are seen, felt, sensed, or perceived only by some individuals with specific natural-born or developed skills to read energy in the human body.