Bio-Puncture/ Injection Therapy
Bio-puncture is the injection of homeopathic substances onto specific strategic spots of the body. It is a great and safe alternative to cortisone injections.
Bio-puncture is an advanced medical approach that involves the injection of homeopathic regulated solutions onto specific parts of the body and/or acupuncture points to treat chronic or acute pain, promote the immune system, reduce inflammation, digestive problems, and toxin accumulations among other chronic conditions. Bio-puncture/injection therapy is an incredible addition to any acupuncture treatment. In addition, it enhances the power of the acupuncture point. In the end the patient is receiving two treatments in one. This method can be very effective and powerful.
With conventional medicine, a drug prescribed for pain or inflammation will suppress the symptoms almost immediately, but when the effectiveness wears off you will need to take another dose. With Bio-Puncture therapy a small dose of natural substances is injected on a part of your body to stimulate the natural healing process. Bio-Puncture would take more time to relieve the pain or inflammation because the natural substances injected are very small and are less powerful than cortisone injections. The intention of Bio-puncture is to support the natural anti-inflammatory process. At the end of the day, the results of Bio-puncture are longer lasting because the healing comes from inside your body and does not depend on pills you would take every day to suppress the symptoms.
It is very normal for a patient to experience more pain during the first 24 hours of treatment. This is called “the reaction phase”. Pain may shift to other areas of the body because the body is adapting to the new situation called the “adaptation phase”.
Benefits of Bio-Puncture
• Helps against Inflammation
• Reduces Swelling
• Reduces acute and Chronic Pain
• Helps against Depression
• Supports Immune System
• Decreases Accumulation of Toxins
• Reduces Viral Infections
• Reduces Respiratory Infections
• Helps against Low Energy/Chronic Fatigue
• Reduces Scarring
• Reduces Allergy Symptoms